- About BIPA
- Objective/Roles
To contribute to imperving business performance and reinforcing compertitiveness by providing comprehensive and systematic support for Small and Mediums sized Enterprises and venture businesses based in Bucheon -
Strategically promote the regional specialized industries and establish and provide a total support system for SMEs and Start-ups to foster the next-generation industries
Business area
Fostering strtegic industries
(Intelligent robot, high-tech mold, parts materials)
Establishing a cooperative networking system
(between industry, academia, research centers and public organizations)
Operate the Buchen Robot Park
- Carry out the government-funded museum project
- Operate the robot dance compertition
- Operate the living science class
- Operate Gyeonggi science mentoring system
Support domestic and international marketing
- Support participation in exhibitions Support international market surveys
- Support online international
- marketing
- Support marketing for start-ups
Support SMEs Strategies
- Support industrial family businesses
- Support innovative SMEs
- Operate Inno-Cafe
- Operate the SMEs business support center
Support technology paten
- Operate the intellectual property center
- Support the prior technology market survey
- Support technology certification
- Support hazardous material test and analysis
- Support the industrial foundation right application
Operate the bucheon Robot Part
- Carry out the government-funded museum project
- Operate the robot dance competiton
- Operate the living science class
- Operate Gyeonggi science mentoring system
Operate the Bucheon Robot park
- Carry out the government-funded museum project
- Operate the robot dance competiton
- Operate the living science class
- Operate Gyeonggi science mentoring system